Community Hour and Beyond!
Monday, October 20, 2014
4:00pm – Please join us in the Weeks Center for special Mexican foods and treats
4:45pm – Then stay for a special activity led by artist and Seminary of the Southwest alumna Enedina Vasquez who will give a presentation on: Understanding and Preparing for Dia de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead
Enedina will lead us in constructing a traditional altar for Dia de los Muertos.
The event will end by 6:30pm.
Midday Eucharist at 11:45am
Friday, October 31, 2014
Presider and Preacher: The Rev. Alex Montez-Vela,
Vicar of St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church, Manor, Texas
Music by the Francisco Chavez Family
Dia de los Muertos is a celebration of remembrance that originated in Mexico when indigenous Aztec religious practices were blended with the Spanish Catholic observance of All Saints’ and All Souls’ Days.
Our Eucharist will reflect a spirit of celebration and conclude our Hispanic Heritage Month with music in Spanish, an opportunity to honor our own loved ones, and refreshments afterward.
All are invited to join us for this special occasion.