Holy Week Connections
Want to share what you are doing during Holy Week? Email our Sacristans at [email protected] with photos, video, or whatever you have to share.
A Holy Week Poem by Darcy
while reading the passion narratives this week
during this particular week
in light of all that is happening
and not being allowed to happen
because of being in isolation
losing a sense of time
realizing that this is Holy Week
I came into the garden
where there is anguish and woundedness
Jesus asks
“Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray that you will not come into the time of trial.”
resounding loudly in my ears
Why are you?
Why are you sleeping?
Get up
Get up and Pray
Get up and Pray that you will not come into the time of trial
dropped to my knees
and wept
for we know not what we do
we know not how our actions harm others
we know not how our inaction harms others
in this time of trial
or how it is going to end
or what is going to happen
or where forgiveness will be found
Get up and Pray
that you will not come into the time of trial
words to heed
part of my prayer now
Looking forward to the Resurrection
Dean Kittredge placing the first stone for our improvisational Paschal liturgy
A song for Maundy Thursday by Derek
Derek, singing and playing for us from the backyard chapel he built with his son, Bear.
Maundy Thursday Gospel proclaimed by Deacon Laura.
The Passion Narrative by Members of the SSW Community
Derek coordinated a reading of the Passion of Our Lord by students and their families, even while we are apart. One reading is in English and another is in Spanish.
Dance Liturgy for Holy Week
SSW honorary degree recipient Dr. Ellen Davis and Ekklesia Contemporary Ballet Company have put together a dance liturgy for Holy Week during the pandemic. You can read more about the project, and watch the dances for each day of Holy Week by clicking here.
Walking with Jesus
Keela calculated how many miles Jesus walked during the last week of his life, and committed to walking the same amount during this week.