Library Statement of Purpose
The library is a study and meeting space, a collection of information resources, and a central point of library instructional services for the people being formed at Southwest for vocations of ministry, service, and healing.
Library Users
The library’s user groups are defined as follows:
Primary Users: Currently enrolled Southwest students, currently employed Southwest faculty, Southwest faculty emeritus, currently employed Southwest staff, and currently enrolled Iona Collaborative students (Primary Users are prioritized and the bulk of Library resources and services are aimed towards supporting Primary Users).
Alumni: All people who have received a degree, diploma, or certificate from Southwest, and all people who have received a certificate from the Iona Collaborative.
Partners: Currently enrolled students and currently employed faculty and staff from other local institutions of higher learning, including APTS, UT, and Austin Graduate School of Theology, participants of the ATLA Reciprocal Borrowing Program, and TexShare program participants.
The library collects information resources supporting the academic and formational work of Primary Users. To the extent that the budget allows, information resources will be obtained to support the research and professional development of Southwest Alumni and Library Account Holders working in fields related to the academic studies at Southwest.
More Information
The Library Policies document was approved in May 2023. The librarians curate a large list of LibGuides. Please refer to the LibGuides for more information about the library’s resources, or contact the librarians at or 512-478-5212.