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40 Credit Hours ~ 2 years ~ Full-time enrollment, 10 hours or more per semester

5 years ~ Part-time enrollment, 9 hours or less per semester

The Master of Arts in Religion (MAR) is an academic degree designed to combine a foundational theological education with sufficient flexibility to allow students to pursue particular interests. It may be the highest degree a student plans to pursue and so be used for personal enrichment or appropriate vocational training. One may also pursue the MAR as a transitional degree in preparation for further advanced studies.

Students who enroll in the MAR are seeking formation in the life of Christian theological scholarship. The program regularly attracts students from a wide variety of denominations, and these students work together throughout their time here as they develop research plans. Each student works with a common program advisor in the initial stages of her or his studies, and then is assigned to a field-specific faculty member in their second semester. All MAR students are invited, though not required, to participate in chapel worship and other community events on campus.

Graduates of the Master of Arts in Religion program at
Seminary of the Southwest will achieve integral formation
in these three areas:

  • Being: Exhibit the scholarly disciplines that accompany and support a curious and charitable intellect
  • Knowing: Acquire foundational knowledge of the content and methods of biblical studies, church history, theology, and Christian ethics
  • Doing: Demonstrate skills for sharing theological knowledge and engaging in theological argument in both written and oral form.


Prospective students are encouraged to use the links provided below to schedule a visit or to speak directly with one of Southwest’s enrollment managers.




Beth Jordan, Enrollment Manager
[email protected]

Admission Policy

Please click here to read Southwest’s admission policy in the 2024-2025 Course Catalog.

Theological Degrees

Learn more about a Master of Divinity, a Diploma of Anglican Studies, or other programs that lead to ordination.

Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Learn about a CACREP accredited Master of Mental Health Counseling Degree.

Ways to Support

Learn about opportunities to support  Southwest through Annual Fund, Scholarships, and more.

Looking for Something?

Apply Now (MHC and MSF)

Apply Now (MDiv, MAR, and DAS)