On May 10, 2024, the Seminary of the Southwest community gathered at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Austin, TX, to achieve no small task:
To express their love, appreciation, and gratitude for the Very Rev. Cynthia Briggs Kittredge in one single evening.
Kittredge is concluding her 25 year career at Seminary of the Southwest – 11 of them as Dean and President – with a legacy too large to fit in one room, at one time, and expressed in one way. But if the reactions of the people in attendance were any indication- including Dean Kittredge herself – the planning group achieved its lofty goal.
Early in the planing process, it was clear that the campus of Southwest would not be able accommodate the amount of people who would want to attend. The parish Dean Kittredge has called home since her arrival in Austin quickly opened their doors to host.
The guest list itself was indicative of the impact Kittredge has had in her career. The last three Chairs of the Southwest Board of Trustees – the Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle, the Rt. Rev. Dena Harrison, and the Rt. Rev. Kathryn Ryan – were present. Representatives from sister seminary Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Sewanee, and Virginia Theological Seminary were in attendance. The hall was filled with current and former faculty and members of the administration, alumni across 3 decades, many of Dean Kittredge’s close friends and family- including especially her 2 month old granddaughter.
The room was spectacularly decorated; the seminary replica cross stood near the stage, and centerpieces designed and created by longtime staff decorated each tables, draped in elegant linens in Kittredge’s favorite colors. As per custom at Southwest upon retirement, guests were given instantly collectable buttons with Kittredge’s likeness to wear throughout the evening.
Bishop Doyle and Bishop Ryan- along with Board Executive Chair Clarke Heidrick – began the evening with blessings and remarks praising Kittredge’s leadership and impact on the seminary. Those that couldn’t attend sent will wishes via video, portions of which were shown at the event, including well wishes and praise from the Very Rev. Kelly Brown Douglas, and the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, the Most Rev. Michael Curry.
“In the weeks leading up to the celebration, my colleagues said, ‘You’re going to love the party!’ ‘You’re going to be so surprised!’ ‘We can’t wait!’ said Kittredge. “I suspected that they were exaggerating until the night came, and I experienced the world’s most wonderful people gathered in the beautiful hall at Good Shepherd – bishops, current colleagues, current and past board members, alumni/ae, former faculty and staff, some of my oldest friends, and my family, including my infant granddaughter”
Amid further tear-jerking remarks from members of the Board and administration, Kittredge was presented several gifts, indicative of her personality and impact on the people she has led with such grace, kindness, conviction, and wisdom. The faculty and staff represented by Lesley Wilder – who served as chair of the planning committee – presented her with a framed word cloud created from the scores of words they collected to describe her, acknowledging her love for poetry, expression and the written word. “We were all so thrilled to celebrate our beloved leader in a highly personalized way,” said Wilder, who serves as Kittredge’s chief of staff. “It was most endearing to witness Cynthia bask in joy and tenderness as she took in all of the evening’s elements in the presence of family, friends, and colleagues.”
Vice-President for Communications and Marketing Eric Scott served as the event’s emcee, guiding guests through the thoughtfully designed program meant to highlight the many ways Kittredge has touched this community. “It was the honor of my career to serve this community and this event in this way,” said Scott. “It is uncommon to have your priest, your boss, and your best friend be the same person, but anyone who knows Cynthia has learned not to be surprised by her exceptional uncommonness.”
Executive Vice President Fred Clement presented her with an elegant Montblanc pen, acknowledging he love of the analog of writing, especially in notes and letters. And the student body of Southwest, in acknowledgement of her absolute love of the trees on the Southwest campus, presented her with a large engraved slice of a tree limb that recently fell from Seminary Oak, the iconic 400 year old tree that has grown on the grounds of Southwest since before the Episcopal Church was even founded.
“May 10 was a fitting and joyous tribute to our beloved dean and president,” said Clement. “The affirmations of her distinguished service over 11 years were a testament to the high esteem in which Cynthia is held by scores within and beyond the seminary community.”
The highlight of the evening may have been the impeccably craft tribute song, written by Dr. Scott Bader-Saye and performed by members of the faculty that brought the house down. “The evening of honoring Cynthia was a perfect celebration of her many years of service,” said Dr. Bader-Saye. “There were friends of the seminary from every stage of her time here, and the tributes were heartwarming, funny, and meaningful. The faculty had a great time offering her our song of appreciation.”
Following heartfelt remarks by Kittredge herself – delivered with her trademark blend of wisdom, heart, laughter, and profound reflection – guests gathered on the courtyard outside Allen Hall to walk through ‘Cynthia Lane’ – a pictorial gallery of photos through Kittredge’s life, and dance to the wonderful music of Colin Gilmore. In a poetic symmetry not uncommon through Kittredge’s career, it was Colin with his father Jimmy Dale Gilmore who played at Dean Kittredge’s installation 11 year earlier.
As guests danced to fulfill Kittredge’s one demand of the evening – that everyone have fun – Vice-President of Institutional Advancement Joanna Linden led guests in a champagne toast to Dean Kittredge.
“Every element of the evening was so thoughtfully planned from the live and video presentations, to the gifts — the piece of the Rather House Oak!! — the unsurpassed faculty song, the masterful MC, Eric Scott, all the way to the pictorial biography, the champagne toast and dancing to Colin Gilmore and his band,” recalled Kittredge. “The evening displayed an elegant symmetry with the service of installation eleven years ago. I am surely the most fortunate person to have worked with such an extraordinary community and to have been known so well.”