Seminary of the Southwest News
Southwest Counseling Degree Achieves CACREP Accreditation
Seminary of the Southwest is the first and only institution in Austin with a Clinical
Walter Moreau to receive Cook Award at 2017 Matriculation
Walter Moreau, Executive Director of the innovative and groundbreaking non-profit Foundation Communities, will receive the
Class of 2017 Graduation and Commencement
Seminary of the Southwest’s 2017 graduating class celebrated the completion of their matriculation with
Bishop Rob Wright, dates, announced for 2017 Blandy Lectures
Seminary of the Southwest and the Southwest Alumni Association recently announced The Right Rev. Robert
Navy Rear Admiral Margaret Kibben visits Southwest
On April 28th, 2017, Rear Admiral Margaret Kibben, Chief of Chaplains of the Navy, along
Seminary announces Honorary Degrees recipients
The office of Dean and President recently announced three recipients of honorary degrees at the
‘Formed by Love’, new book from Dr. Scott Bader-Saye, released
Dr. Scott Bader-Saye, Academic Dean and Helen and the Everett H. Jones Professor of Christian
Secretary General of the Anglican Communion visits Southwest
The Most Rev. Dr. Josiah Atkins Idowu-Fearon, Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, was the
The Rev. Micah Jackson to be a featured speaker at Festival of Homiletics
The Rev. Micah Jackson, the Bishop John Elbridge Hines Associate Professor of Preaching and Director
Easter message from Dean Kittredge
Black History Month on campus of Southwest
‘The events of Black History Month have led us further into the mystery of baptism.’
Harvey Lecture: Rev. Kim Jackson calls for faith leaders to lead efforts for justice
The Rev. Kim Jackson called on faith leaders to lead in the efforts for
Southwest Counseling Degree Achieves CACREP Accreditation
Seminary of the Southwest is the first and only institution in Austin with a Clinical
Walter Moreau to receive Cook Award at 2017 Matriculation
Walter Moreau, Executive Director of the innovative and groundbreaking non-profit Foundation Communities, will receive the
Class of 2017 Graduation and Commencement
Seminary of the Southwest’s 2017 graduating class celebrated the completion of their matriculation with
Bishop Rob Wright, dates, announced for 2017 Blandy Lectures
Seminary of the Southwest and the Southwest Alumni Association recently announced The Right Rev. Robert
Navy Rear Admiral Margaret Kibben visits Southwest
On April 28th, 2017, Rear Admiral Margaret Kibben, Chief of Chaplains of the Navy, along
Seminary announces Honorary Degrees recipients
The office of Dean and President recently announced three recipients of honorary degrees at the
‘Formed by Love’, new book from Dr. Scott Bader-Saye, released
Dr. Scott Bader-Saye, Academic Dean and Helen and the Everett H. Jones Professor of Christian
Secretary General of the Anglican Communion visits Southwest
The Most Rev. Dr. Josiah Atkins Idowu-Fearon, Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, was the
The Rev. Micah Jackson to be a featured speaker at Festival of Homiletics
The Rev. Micah Jackson, the Bishop John Elbridge Hines Associate Professor of Preaching and Director
Black History Month on campus of Southwest
‘The events of Black History Month have led us further into the mystery of baptism.’
Harvey Lecture: Rev. Kim Jackson calls for faith leaders to lead efforts for justice
The Rev. Kim Jackson called on faith leaders to lead in the efforts for