John Hines Day and Dedication of the Loise Henderson Wessendorff Center
Amos 7:7-9
Psalm 18:21-36
2 Corinthians 4:5-12
Luke 9:23-26
“If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will save it.”
On the feast of St. Michael and All Angels
Monday, September 30
Feast of St. Michael and All Angels
Zechariah 8:1-8 Reading for the Daily Eucharistic Lectionary
Christ Chapel, Seminary of the Southwest
September 30, 2013: Tomorrow the healthcare marketplace will open, and you can register and choose a plan to insure that your costs will be paid if you get really sick. The system will work if enough healthy people sign up, and their premiums will cover the cost of the people who aren’t healthy and who will have a ton of expenses.
For the Installation of Cynthia Briggs Kittredge
What a wonderful occasion this is, as Cynthia Kittredge is installed as the 8th Dean and President of the Seminary of the Southwest! It is a great privilege and joy for me to be here to celebrate with Cynthia, with her family and friends, and with all of you in this seminary community that Cynthia loves so deeply.
Sermon from September 16, 2013
The lectionary imposes the practice and discipline of reading, studying, and usually, preaching on the appointed texts for the day.
Today this is more of a discipline than a practice for me, because our daily eucharistic lectionary has dealt the 1st letter of Paul to Timothy.
1 Timothy is not a favorite of mainstream historical biblical scholars, with their Protestant preference for the undisputed Pauline letters, the Paul of freedom and transformation. “For freedom Christ has set us free.”
Dean Travis’ Evensong Sermon
The Very Rev. Douglas Travis
Evensong, May 13, 2013
Philippians 2:5-13
John 15:12-17
Election Day Sermon
Luke 14:25-33
Eight years ago almost to the day, when I was a new interim theology professor at SSW, I stood in this pulpit and preached my very first sermon in Christ Chapel. It was 2 days after we sent George W Bush back to the White House for 4 more years, and 3 or 4 days after the Lambeth Commission released the Windsor Report, giving a theological and ecclesiastical response to the controversies in the Episcopal Church surrounding human sexuality.
On the feast of Alexander Crummell
Seminary of the Southwest
September 12, 2012
In our lives Lord, be glorified
In your Church Lord, be glorified
Dr. Stanley Hauerwas’ sermon for 2012 Commencement
Because It Is True
A Commencement Sermon
The Seminary of the Southwest
May 8, 2012