Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg spoke to a gathering of students and friends from local congregations on September 14, 2016, about the relationship of parents with their children. Not a how-to-parent talk, Ruttenberg’s message focused on parenting as a spiritual practice.
Mother of three children, rabbi named to the list of Rabbis to Watch in 2013 by The Daily Beast, author of Surprised by God: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Religion (Beacon Press), Ruttenberg brought her most recent book, Nurture the Wow: Finding Spirituality in the Boredom, Tears, Poop, Desperation, Wonder and Radical Amazement of Parenting (Flatiron Books).
Ruttenberg suggested that not many theologians have been mothers. She is interested in building a bridge from theology to people who are in the trenches, and she reminded her audience that “Kids experience radical amazement all the time. They can help us get on that train, too.”
Hillel News’ Q&A with Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg, 2016
Southwest’s Comprehensive Wellness for Ministry project will focus on relationships during the fall semester, and Rabbi Ruttenberg’s presentation served as a kick off for the programing that will include a series of Relationship Lectures in October and November.