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Earle and Patterson slated to teach Christian Formation session

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January 19 @ 8:00 am - January 23 @ 5:00 pm

Mary Earle and Jane Patterson will teach for the week-long session of the Certificate Program in Christian Formation for youth ministers and Christian educators in January.

The Rev. Earle's course is titled "Marvelously Made: Reflecting on God's Good Gift of the Body". Earle is an author, teacher and popular retreat leader. 

The Rev. Patterson's course is titled "Callings" and is described as using "resources of the New Testament and a lifespan approach to reflect upon the various ways in which God calls people to fullness of life from childhood through old age." Patterson teaches New Testament at Seminary of the Southwest.

The Certificate Program in Christian Formation is designed to meet the needs of Christian educators and youth ministers, who seek to deepen their understanding of the Christian theological tradition. Working in peer groups taught by seminary faculty, students in the Certificate Program engage with scripture, history, ethics, and practical theology in a sequence of four sessions on the campus of Seminary of the Southwest. Designed as continuing education for practitioners in the field of Christian Education, the program empowers students to be more able ministers through strengthening their ability to speak the language of the Christian community in effective and creative ways. 

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