You are invited to join us for the 2013 Harvey Lectures and Dessert Reception
Monday, April 8 at 7:00 p.m. Please RSVP by clicking here.
“How Might the Churches use Scripture in Engaging Social Issues? ”
Richard Horsley (AB, MDiv, PhD Harvard), now retired as Distinguished Professor of Liberal Arts and the Study of Religion at the University of Massachusetts Boston, is author of many books on Jesus, the Gospels, and Paul in their historical contexts, including Jesus and the Powers, The Prophet Jesus and the Renewal of Israel, Covenant Economics: The Biblical Vision of Justice for All, and Hearing the Whole Story: The Politics of Plot in Mark’s Gospel.
The Harvey Lecture, organized annually by seminarians, honors the late Hudnall Harvey, dean of Seminary of the Southwest from 1968 to his death in 1972. The lectureship serves as a living memorial to Dean Harvey’s ministry at the seminary.