Seminary of the Southwest’s Latino/Hispanic Studies program invites you to the bilingual Eucharist on Thursday, October 20, at 5:30 p.m. We welcome our guest preacher the Rev. Simón Bautista, a Dominican priest and Hispanic Missioner at Christ Church Cathedral, Houston.
Immediately following the Eucharist, a Puerto Rican style dinner reception will be held in the Weeks Center and Simón will give us a Caribbean perspective on “Día de la Raza,” the Day of the Race. He will discuss the most amazing entrepreneurial people who have been prominent as immigrants in the U.S.
This event is free of charge. RSVP to the Rev. Al Rodriguez at 512.472.4133.
Earlier in this Hispanic Heritage Month, we enjoyed a dazzling presentation on the Cuban syncretic religion of Santeria by the Rev. Ed Gomez, Cuban-American priest.
Beginning Monday, October 24 through Wednesday, November 2, 2016, a Día de los Muertos altar display can be seen in Christ Chapel on the seminary campus.