Celebrate the Ministry of Southwest’s Founder
The community of Seminary of the Southwest invites you to John Hines Day, a celebration of the ministry of the founder of Seminary of the Southwest.
The legacy of Bishop Hines is invaluable not simply to Southwest but to the Episcopal Church as a whole. In honoring this legacy we seek to embrace the remarkable courage with which he spread the gospel and led the church. The call for social justice in our modern world is no less important than at the time of Bishop Hines, and it is the great privilege of the seminary, in partnership with our John Hines Legacy Society members, to help form the future leaders of the Church.
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Christ Chapel at Seminary of the Southwest
501 East 32nd Street Austin, TX 78705
Lunch immediately following in the Weeks Center
The Rev. Canon Kai Ryan, Canon to the Ordinary, Diocese of Texas, will preside and The Rev. Justin Lindstrom, Christ Episcopal Church, San Antonio, TX, will preach. The Southwest Board of Trustees will be present and our newest trustees will be installed. A luncheon honoring our John Hines Legacy Society members will follow.
John Hines Day Schedule
Christ Chapel Festal Eucharist celebrating Bishop John Elbridge Hines
Installation of new trustees
Preacher: The Rev. Justin A. Lindstrom, Christ Episcopal Church, San Antonio
Presider: The Rev. Canon Kai Ryan, Canon to the Ordinary, Diocese of Texas
Weeks Center Celebratory luncheon honoring John Hines Legacy Society members
Introductions & Welcome by Dr. Scott Bader-Saye Acting Dean and President, Seminary of the Southwest
Contact Donna Benson at [email protected] or 512.439.0391 with questions
To learn more about the John Hines Legacy Society, please click here.