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Nuevos Horizontes

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July 8 - July 10

Community Development: Strategy for Community Engagement

July 8–10, 2019
Seminary of the Southwest, Austin, Texas
Sponsored by



The tools for contextual ministry, church planting, Asset Based Community Development and community organizing all revolve around the techniques that have evolved under the banner of community development. Nuevos Horizontes will explore how church leaders can use such tools for establishing sustainable community relationships which are at the crux of the missional church becoming stakeholders in any given community.

Nuevos Horizontes is designed for clergy, lay leaders and seminarians seeking competency in the dynamics and methodology of community development as a tool for missional outreach.



Registration deadline: July 3, 2019
Registration fee of $225 includes double occupancy lodging for 2 nights, most conference meals, and
transportation to and from hotel to Seminary of the Southwest.
Partial scholarships are being made available according to need, by the Office of Latino/Hispanic Ministries.
For more information, contact:
The Rev. Al Rodriguez

An allied conference associated with Nuevo Amanecer, Kanuga, N.C.

Desarrollo Comunitario: Una Estrategia Para Enlazar con la Comunidad

8–10 de Julio, 2019  
Seminario del Suroeste, Austin, Tx
Sponsored by   


Las herramientas para el ministerio contextual, la plantación de iglesias, el Desarrollo Comunal Basado en Activos (ABCD en inglés) y la organización de líderes de la comunidad reflejan los métodos relacionados con la práctica del desarrollo de la comunidad.  Nuevos Horizontes explorará cómo los líderes de iglesia pueden usar tales herramientas para establecer relaciones sostenibles en cualquier comunidad.  Estas relaciones son claves en la iglesia misionera convirtiéndose en una voz comprometida y en solidaridad con sus alrededores.

Nuevos Horizontes está diseñado para miembros del clero, líderes laicos y seminaristas que buscan competencias en la dinámica y metodología del desarrollo comunitario como una herramienta para el alcance misional.


Ultimo día para inscribirse: 3 de Julio, 2019
La inscripción de $225 incluye 2 noches de hospedaje, la mayoría de comidas durante la conferencia, y el
transporte desde el hotel al Seminario del Suroeste.
Becas parciales están disponible según necesidad, a través de la Oficina de los Ministerios Latinos/Hispanos.

Para mas información, contacte:
The Rev. Al Rodriguez
[email protected]

Presentado en asociación con la Conferencia Nuevo Amanecer – Kanuga, N.C.


Monday, July 8

12:00–4:00 p.m.  |  Arrival at Double Tree Hotel
6505 North IH-35 Austin, TX 78752
Phone: 512-454-3737

4:00 p.m.  |  Transport to Seminary of the Southwest (501 E. 32nd Street, Austin, TX 78705)

5:00 p.m.  |  Welcome, Introductions and Review of Conference Agenda
The Rev. Canon Anthony Guillén, Episcopal Director of Ethnic Ministries
The Rev. Al Rodriguez, Nuevo Horizontes Conference Director

5:30 p.m.  |  Plenary 1 – Keynote
“Community Development as a Community Engagement Tool”
Sean McConnell, Director of Engagement, Episcopal Relief and Development
Weeks Center – Knapp Auditorium

6:30 p.m.  |  Dinner – Weeks Center – Howell Dining Room

7:30 p.m.  |  Social Hour – Weeks Center – Howell Dining Room

8:30 p.m.  |  Transport to Double Tree Hotel


Tuesday, July 9

8:30 a.m.  |  Transport from Double Tree Hotel to Seminary of Southwest

9:15 a.m.  |  Plenary 2 – “The Beloved Community Story” – A Community Based Project
The Rev. Dr. Chantal McKinney, Beloved Community, Founder and Mission Developer
Weeks Center – Knapp Auditorium

10:15 a.m.  |  Break

10:30–11:45 a.m.  |  First Set of Workshops 1, 2 & 3 (Repeated at 2:45 pm — Same Rooms)

Workshop 1  Asset Based Community Development – What it is and its Applicability
Sean McConnell, Director of Engagement, Episcopal Relief and Development
Weeks Center – Knapp Auditorium

Workshop 2   The “How-to” of Implementing a Beloved Community Outreach
The Rev. Dr. Chantal McKinney
McDonald Bldg. – B-210

Workshop 3  Church Planting and Community Engagement
The Rev. Mike Michie, Rector, St. Thomas Episcopal Church, San Antonio (former Episcopal
Church Staff Officer, Church Planting Infrastructure)
McDonald Bldg. – A-210

12:00 p.m.  |  Working Lunch sponsored by The Episcopal Church Foundation – Weeks Center – Howell Dining Room
Update on the Episcopal Church Foundation
Dr. Sandra Montes, ECF Consultant
Case Study of a Community Engagement Project

1:30 p.m.   |  Plenary 3 – Community Engagement: A Tool for the Missional Church
The Rev. Canon Jesús Reyes, Canon for Congregational Growth/Development, Diocese of
El Camino Real
Weeks Center – Knapp Auditorium

2:30 p.m.  |  Break

2:45–4:00 p.m.  |  Second Set of Workshops 1, 2 & 3 (Repetition of first set – same rooms)

4:00 p.m.  |  Break

4:15 p.m.  |  Plenary 4 – Group Dialogue: What are your Experiences in Community Engagement
Weeks Center – Knapp Auditorium
Facilitator: The Rev. Al Rodriguez, Curriculum Coordinator, Hispanic/Latino Ministries

5:15 p.m.  |  Transport to Double Tree Hotel

7:00 p.m.  |  Optional: Transport to Sixth Street Entertainment District (dinner is personal cost)

8:30 p.m.  |  Van pick up – St. David’s Episcopal Church (301 E. 8th St.) or personal Uber/Lyft (personal cost)


Wednesday, July 10

8:30 a.m.  |  Transport from Double Tree Hotel to Seminary of Southwest
9:15 a.m.  |  Plenary 5 – Community Engagement and TransCultural Latino Evangelism
The Rev. Al Rodriguez, Curriculum Coordinator, Hispanic/Latino Ministries
Weeks Center – Knapp Auditorium

10:30 a.m.  |  Break

10:45 a.m.  |  Plenary 6 – Panel Discussion: What We Can Take Away Q&A
Facilitator: The Rev. Canon Anthony Guillén
Weeks Center – Knapp Auditorium

11:30 a.m.  |  Evaluation – Weeks Center – Knapp Auditorium

12:00 p.m.  |  Adjourn / box lunches (dining room or transport)
Ride Austin/Super Shuttle or private van pickup to Airport


Sean McConnell, director of engagement for Episcopal Relief and Development for the last six years, is based in the San Francisco Bay area and specializes in communicating the needs of people around the world to The Episcopal Church at large. Sean is a skilled communications and marketing leader with 12-plus years of broad-based experience in all facets of event management, including six-plus years as director of communications with the Episcopal Diocese of California. He is a former managing editor for a small, startup magazine, and produced a series of live-streamed programs at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. Sean holds a Master of Divinity from Church Divinity School of the Pacific and a B.A. from Hendrix College.

The Rev. Dr. Chantal McKinney is a native North Carolinian with Mexican-American roots. A graduate of Appalachian State University, she received her Doctor of Ministry from Chicago Theological Seminary. As a priest, she has served churches in North Carolina since her ordination and began a street ministry, the Beloved Community ministries, with the support of the convocation. Their engagement with the neighborhoods and deeply listening to the community led to a partnership with the NC Synod (ELCA) and a new church between both denominations. As a teacher, speaker and consultant, Chantal has developed, led, and spoken at workshops, trainings, and conferences on the topics of mutual mission, street ministries, and mission with and among the very people that Jesus calls blessed.

The Rev. Canon Jesús Reyes is canon for congregational growth and development in the Episcopal Diocese of El Camino Real (EDECR). With the Diocese of Virginia, he planted Santa Maria Episcopal Church, Falls Church, Virginia. As a Roman Catholic priest, Jesús ministered among the Zapoteco Indians in the mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico, and, later, he worked as missionary priest in Brazil. He has also served in the Church Planting Advisory Group of the Episcopal Church. He presently serves as a member of the Bishop’s Strategic Cabinet on the Jesus Movement and Evangelism and the Latino/Hispanic Council of Advice. He is also a member of the Kaleidoscope Institute Board of Directors. He was born in Mexico, and completed degrees in philosophy and theology in Mexico. He holds a Diploma in Anglican Studies from Virginia Theological Seminary.

The Rev. Michael Michie is the former staff officer for church planting infrastructure of the Presiding Bishop’s staff. He oversaw a churchwide network for planting congregations, the recruiting and training of church planters, and establishing new ministries throughout The Episcopal Church. He has served as rector of St. Andrew’s in McKinney, Texas, a congregation he planted which grew to become a 650-member church with a series of community-based ministries. He is now the rector of St. Thomas Episcopal Church in San Antonio. Mike is a graduate of the Seminary of the Southwest and holds a Master of Arts in practical theology, a Master in Public Administration, and a B.A. in government. He served in the Diocese of Dallas’ Standing Committee and has been a long-time deputy to the General Convention.

The Rev. Canon Anthony Guillén is director of ethnic ministries with the Office of the Presiding Bishop, which oversees the Latino/Hispanic Ministries for The Episcopal Church. Missioner Guillén helped to develop the Episcopal Church’s Strategic Vision for Reaching Latinos/Hispanics, which was adopted at General Convention 2009. Guillén has overseen the development of two programs, New Camino, aimed at diocesan staff, and a church-wide course entitled Episcopal Latino Ministry Competency. ELMC assists the church in exploring the cultural and socio-demographics of Latinos in the U.S. and addressing the acculturation and Americanization of the multi-generation Latino. Guillén’s vision is for The Episcopal Church to embody the multi-ethnic, multilingual, and multicultural context we live in today. The vision is also to make The Episcopal Church known to Latino/Hispanic communities so that they may experience our church as their spiritual home. Prior to being appointed as missioner in 2005, Guillén was head of several congregations in the Diocese of Los Angeles and Guadalajara, Mexico. His Master of Divinity is from the Seminary of the Southwest.

The Rev. Al Rodriguez has been involved in Hispanic/Latino ministry for the past 30 years on a local, diocesan, and national level. Most recently, he served as the interim director of the Latino/Hispanic Studies program at the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin. Rodriguez is also the curriculum coordinator for the Episcopal Latino Ministry Competency course, sponsored by the Office of Latino/Hispanic Ministries, as well as for the seminar New Camino, aimed at training diocesan staff on Latino ministry. He is a former grantee of the Episcopal Church Foundation’s Fellowship Partners Program and of the Episcopal Evangelism Society. Al specializes in teaching the dynamics of Latino ministry within the context of the trans-cultural and multi-generational reality of the U.S. Latino. Al’s background includes a 15-year rectorship of a dual-language parish, a former career in community economic development, and a role as a Peace Corps volunteer in Venezuela. His M.Div. is from Seminary of the Southwest.

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