Seminary of the Southwest News
Southwest wins communications awards
Episcopal Communicators presented three awards to Seminary of the Southwest for special achievement in
Winter 2012 issue for Ratherview magazine
We hope you enjoy this issue of Ratherview which is focused on forming leaders for
Theology professor publishes book on perfection
Dr. Anthony D. Baker, Southwest's Clinton S. Quin Associate Professor of Systematic Theology,
Community celebrates Professor Kathleen Russell
The seminary community gathered for its weekly Community Hour on Monday, November 28; however,
Summer 2011 issue of Ratherview magazine
We hope you enjoy this issue of Ratherview. It includes articles focused
60th Anniversary lecture features Presiding Bishop
You are cordially invited to attend 2012-13 Special Events
November 27 – 28, 2012
60th Anniversary Lectures featuring the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, 26th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church
Tuesday, November 27 schedule
Seminary celebrates six decades
Editor's note: This article first appeared in the March 2012 issue of Diolog: The Texas Episcopalian
Sixty years ago the diocese of Texas formally established Seminary of the Southwest in Austin. Southwest primarily has prepared men and women for parish and diocesan ministry; however, laity have found degrees and programs at Southwest to further their calls to minister in the world.
Southwest wins communications awards
Episcopal Communicators presented three awards to Seminary of the Southwest for special achievement in church communication at the Communicators conference at Camp Kanuga on March 23, 2012.
Ratherview, Summer 2011 won honorable mention for general excellence: magazine/periodical presented to Nancy Springer-Baldwin, editor; Vivify Creative, type & page compostion; and Kris Krieg & Laura Callender, photography.
Winter 2012 issue for Ratherview magazine
We hope you enjoy this issue of Ratherview which is focused on forming leaders for Hispanic ministry. It features articles by faculty, alumni and one of our students, and much, much more.
Theology professor publishes book on perfection
Dr. Anthony D. Baker, Southwest's Clinton S. Quin Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, has a recent publication, Diagonal Advance, Perfection in Christian Theology. At the campus celebration for Tony's new book, he spoke to students, faculty, and staff, saying "This place has been an important contributor in working out this book. I'm grateful to all of you for what you've taught me and how your questions and our life together has influenced my thought."
Community celebrates Professor Kathleen Russell
The seminary community gathered for its weekly Community Hour on Monday, November 28; however, on this day the students and faculty celebrated with Professor Kathleen Russell on the occasion of completing and successfully defending her D.Min. project at nearby Austin Presbyterian Seminary.
Pictured below is Dr. Russell with M.Div. student, Clay Towles from the Diocese of Oklahoma.
Announcing Special Events–2012
Payne Lecture
Hosted by the Board of Trustees
February 9, 2012
James “Jay” Magness,
Bishop Suffragan for federal ministries
Harvey Lecture
Hosted by the students
March 26, 2012
Sam Wells
Dean of Duke University Chapel & Research Professor of Christian Ethics at Duke Divinity School
Summer 2011 issue of Ratherview magazine
We hope you enjoy this issue of Ratherview. It includes articles focused on forming Christian leaders written by leaders in our community. In recognition and gratitude of their support, we include the Honor Roll of Donors. And much, much more.