3 years ~ Evenings ~ Full-time enrollment, 12 hours per semester
60 Credit Hours ~ Part-time options available
Latinx Counseling Concentration (LCC)
The Latinx Counseling Concentration is a specialization offered by the seminary for Clinical Mental Health Counseling students with the purpose of preparing and training curious, culturally empathic, accepting, self-aware counselors. The objective of this concentration is to help foster bilingual and bicultural counselors in order to work more effectively with diverse generations within the Latino/Hispanic community. Students in the concentration will gain the knowledge, skills, and awareness needed in order to work with this population. The program offers two tracks for students interested in the LCC concentration. The first track includes a component of Spanish Language Competency. Students interested in this track will be expected to have a proficient or fluent level of Spanish. Students selecting this track will meet with the LCC Coordinator and have a Spanish conversation to assess level of proficiency. This track has a focus on cultural competency and language with specific focus on reaching first and second generation Latinxs.The second track is for students who have a special interest in working with Latinx population but have not acquired the language component. This track will include meeting all the components with heavier focus on all generations across the Latinx culture. Both tracks will have a heavy level of focus on cultural competency, interventions, experiential learning and research. At the end of their program, the students will graduate with one of the two certificates:
1. Track One: Certificate of Achievement in the Latinx Counseling Concentration with Spanish Language Competency,
2. Track Two: Certificate of Achievement in the Latinx Counseling Concentration without Spanish Language Competency
In addition, students will learn about different advocacy interventions with the intention of deepening relationships with community partners. Students in the LCC concentration are expected to take all the required courses in the MHC program. Throughout the program, the student will follow the outcomes of the Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs (CACREP) for developing cultural competency. These outcomes include:
- Demonstrating understanding of multicultural and pluralistic characteristics within and among diverse groups nationally and internationally, an understanding of theories and models of multicultural counseling, cultural identity development, and social justice and advocacy, and an understanding of multicultural counseling competencies (CACREP 2.F.2.a, b, c)
- Demonstrating and applying strategies for identifying and eliminating barriers, prejudices, and processes of intentional and unintentional oppression and discrimination (CACREP 2.F.2.h)
- Displaying the ability to self-reflect on the impact of one’s own heritage, attitudes, beliefs, understandings, and acculturation experiences on one’s view of others (CACREP 2.F.2)
In addition to the CACREP outcomes outlined, the students will discuss and learn about different interventions of working with Latinx clients, including theories, best practices, and advocacy. In order to meet the requirements of the LCC concentration the student must complete the MHC degree rotation. In addition, students will fulfill the following six components in the duration of the program:
- Differentiated Curriculum
- Spanish Language Proficiency (Track One students only)
- Cultural Plunge/Immersion
- Community Collaboration Project
- Culturally appropriate counseling theory workshops
- Field Experience (Practicum or Internship I/II)
The vision of Seminary of the Southwest’s Masters of Clinical Mental Health Counseling program is to cultivate transformation through mutuality.
The mission of Seminary of the Southwest’s Masters of Clinical Mental Health Counseling program is to prepare counselors through a social justice oriented curriculum and a spiritually integrated foundation so that they can be builders of beloved community.
Through in-depth study of counseling theory and ethical practice in a multicultural society, as well as spiritual integration courses, students will experience formation and transformation in these three areas:
Being- Disposition Objectives
- Students will display a professional counselor identity in relation to self, including self awareness, openness, and a commitment to personal and spiritual well-being.
- Students will display a professional counselor identity in relation to others, including character, cultural empathy, and professionalism.
Knowing – Content Objectives
- Students will demonstrate knowledge of professional orientation and counselor identity, social and cultural diversity, human growth and development, career development, helping relationships, group work, assessment, research and evaluation, crisis and trauma, psychopathology, couples, parents and family systems and addiction, as well as clinical mental health counseling foundation, context and practice.
- Students will demonstrate knowledge of the influence of culture, religion and spirituality on clients’ and counselors’ worldview
Doing- Skill Objectives
- Students will perform the essential tasks of a competent professional clinical mental health counselor.
- Students will commit to and engage in personal and spiritual practices capable of sustaining the vocation of a professional counselor
The MHC – LCC is a program of The Loise Henderson Wessendorff Center for Christian Ministry and Vocation at Seminary of the Southwest. Endowed by the Henderson-Wessendorff Foundation, the Center offers programs for working people who wish to enhance their spiritual lives and use their gifts in the service of God.
The MHC is also one of the few programs in Central Texas that is CACREP accredited. Learn more about what doors CACREP could open for you here.
The Clinical Mental Health Counseling program at Seminary of the Southwest offers distinctive Fellows programs. Click here to learn more.
For further information on the Latinx Counseling Concentration, please contact Dr. Stephanie Ramirez, Assistant Professor of Counselor Education and LCC coordinator at [email protected]

Grayson Dail, Enrollment Manager
[email protected]
Admission Policy
Please click here to read Southwest’s admission policy in the 2024-2025 Course Catalog.
MHC Program Faculty
Dr. Gustavo Bárcenas, Assistant Professor of Counselor Education
Dr. Gena St. David, Director of the Loise Henderson Wessendorff Center for Christian Ministry and Vocation and Assistant Professor of Counselor Education
Dr. Awa Jangha, Loise Henderson Wessendorff Associate Professor of Spiritual Integration in Counseling
Dr. Marlon Johnson, Instructor in Counselor Education
Dr. Stephanie Ramirez, Assistant Professor of Counselor Education and Coordinator of the Latinx Counseling Concentration Program
Dr. Maria Reyna Assistant Professor of Counselor Education
LPC Requirements:
The MHC curriculum provides the academic foundation, including the 3000 hour practicum requirement, specified by the State of Texas for the credential of Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). While conforming to the State of Texas requirements, courses in the MHC program at the Seminary are taught from a Christian faith perspective such that professional and pastoral competence is emphasized.
Requirements for the LPC license in Texas include:
- completion of a graduate degree of at least 48 hours as specified by the Department of State Health Services;
- a passing score on the State of Texas licensing examinations;
- (3) a post-graduate supervised internship of 3000 hours.
As with other counseling programs, the MHC program at Seminary of the Southwest does not administer the licensing examination or provide for placement in an internship. Pursued upon graduation, successful completion of licensure is the responsibility of the student and not of the Seminary. Students from states other than Texas are responsible for determining the requirements of those examining boards. Students and prospective students are urged to obtain current requirements for licensure from the Texas State Board of
Examiners of Professional Counselors at (512) 834-6658 or at www.dshs.state.tx.us/counselor, select “Apply for a new License” on the website.