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Professor Minnix presents keynote address at trauma conference

Dr. Gena Minnix, assistant professor of Counselor Education at Seminary of the Southwest provided the key note address for the Social Justice & Trauma Conference hosted by the Trauma Response Institute in Portland, Oregon on September 11, 2015. The conference addressed sociocultural factors increasing trauma vulnerability for LGBTQ persons and their families and explored multisystemic responses.
“My keynote address provided the latest research findings on traumatic stress for the LGBTQ community, the impact of relational and spiritual trauma on the LGBTQ community, the different sociocultural levels of social change identified in liberation theology and psychology, to increase trauma resiliency,” said Dr. Minnix. “These included ideas on how churches, social service organizations, educational institutions and mental health professionals might work together to organize multisystemic efforts toward prevention and response to trauma in the LGBTQ population.”
Gena says that the event was well attended and received.
Quotes that were retweeted in Twitter and social media included:
“The opposite of addiction is not sobriety, it’s relational connection.”

“We’re always a little bit out of our mind when we take risks.”
“Social pain triggers the same regions of the brain as does physical trauma. Words really do hurt.”

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